Wyoming, NSW 2250

Enable Registry Editor

A lot of malware, viruses and spyware disable the use of the Registry Editor to stop you from removing the offending software. If this happens, you can re-enable use of the Registry Editor by click Start and then Run and typing in: REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f then click OK. Then you will be…

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Close Unresponsive Apps Automatically

Normally, unresponsive programs need to be closed manually by using Windows Task Manager. This is accessed using the “CTRL + ALT +DELETE” command, then highlighting the relevant application & clicking “End Task”. However, you can configure your computer to close the unresponsive program automatically. Follow these steps to configure windows registry to autoend unresponsive tasks: – Close all open…

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Audio CDs won’t play

Problem An audio CD isn’t recognised when inserted into the CD Drive  and when you click on the drive icon a message saying “incorrect  function” appears. Solution The cause of the problem seems to be when you have more than one overlying driver for the CD. That is, you have more than one installed program trying to add it’s…

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Changing the default keyboard layout at logon

If you use a different keyboard layout to the standard QWERTY keyboard you may still be trying to type in your password in the QWERTY layout before Windows loads your personal settings and you are able to use the layout you like. This is because Windows stores the keyboard layout setting per user account. To change the default keyboard…

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