Wyoming, NSW 2250

ZSH – making shells fun

ZSH is a great looking shell that integrates with Git, Docker and other tools using plugins. Installing ZSH in Ubuntu or Linux Mint Install ZSH by running the following in your terminal sudo apt updatesudo apt install zsh Check ZSH by running zsh –version and checking that a version is shown. Installing ZSH on Mac Install Homebrew, then install…

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Bulk Converting HEIC to JPG in Linux

With each revision of hardware, Apple continually makes this more difficult for those that have to interact with Apple fans. One of the most annoying is the HEIC format for photos. Even Apple’s own Photos app in iCloud won’t allow HEIC photo uploads, so to make any of these photo useful the HEIC files need to be converted to…

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Ubuntu – change lid and button actions

The Ubuntu Settings app is very light on when looking at the power button and lid actions, excluding most of the options a Windows user has to change the customise button/lid actions between AC Power and battery power operation. Fortunately there is an easy command line tool that allows these settings to be changes easily within the Gnome environment,…

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Create an App icon for a website in Linux

Linux Mint provides a little tool called Web Apps. This tool allows a web site to be sandboxed into a separate window, making a website look like an app. This can be handy for a site like Google Messages for using phone SMSes on the PC, allowing this to be shown in its own distinct window rather than just…

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Debian/Ubuntu/Mint – Mount a Windows network share

To mount a Windows share using the command line in a Debian based distribution, first ensure that cifs-utils is installed. If it isn’t, run sudo apt install cifs-utils To mount a share, run sudo mount -t cifs -o username=userName,domain=DOMAIN //serverName/shareName /mnt/path replacing userName, DOMAIN, serverName and shareName and the mount path as appropriate. If the Windows workstation/server is not…

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Logitech G Keyboard LEDs in Ubuntu

Logitech provide the Logitech G software for managing LEDs and other settings on keyboards and mice. Unfortunately this isn’t available for Linux. There is a command line tool called g810-led that can fill this gap (https://github.com/MatMoul/g810-led). To install this on Ubuntu run: sudo apt install g810-led After installation you will probably need to reboot for the software to recognise…

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